We Have Lift Off...

Yes, it's true!  The website for Silver Lashes Studios has been launched!  It's quite exciting to have a place for people to physically see some of my work.  I want to thank my friend Joe and his skills with website and logo design for helping Silver Lashes get rolling on the internet.  You should check out his blog and his up and coming t-shirt design business. 

The idea and work for Silver Lashes has been a long time in the making.  Having been afforded the opportunity to expand my portfolio and work with some of Arizona's top independent film companies has helped to launch Silver Lashes Studios into a full-time passion. For everyone who has offered help and support, THANK YOU!  It's appreciated more than I'll ever be able to express.

Check out these two beautiful sisters from one of my last shoots! They were an easy pair to photograph :0)

The first tree we tried to get the girls in had HUGE thorns....Sorry, Jordin!

I love pops of bright colors. She looks like she's in a tropical paradise! It's magic.